The following requirements must be met for a transcript to be accepted by BPMI Human Resources:
- Transcript(s) MUST be Official – Unofficial transcripts, grade reports, advising sheets, and other student records will not be accepted. Official transcripts can be received in the following ways:
- Hard Copy Delivery – Official transcripts can be ordered in a hard copy format from your college’s Registrar Office and sent directly to BPMI. This is our preferred method.
- Scanned copies or reproductions of the original hard copy transcript will not be accepted.
- Electronic Delivery – Official transcripts can be ordered in an electronic format from your college’s Registrar Office. Additional requirements for submitting electronic transcripts must be met:
- An electronic link to the secure access portal must be sent directly to a member of BPMI’s Human Resources Department. Links sent to you and subsequently forwarded to the HR Department WILL NOT be accepted.
- Once a transcript is downloaded from the secure access portal, BPMI no longer considers it official. If you email previously downloaded copies to BPMI, you’ll be asked to have them resubmitted following the instructions above.
- Transcript(s) MUST be Final – For a transcript to be final, it must have a “conferral” or “degree awarded” date recorded on the transcript. The following examples DO NOT count as a final transcript:
- Hard copy or electronic transcripts that reflect the final term’s grades, but do not contain a conferral/degree awarded date - Most colleges will provide “official” transcripts as soon as final term grades are available, however these transcripts are not yet final. The formal conferral process can take up to 3-6 weeks post-graduation. Per policy, BPMI can only accept transcripts with conferral/degree awarded dates on them. If available, please select the “hold for degree” option when ordering your transcript through your college’s Registrar Office.
- Again, scanned copies, reproductions, PDFs, unofficial reports, and other unofficial versions of transcripts will not be accepted. This applies even if the unofficial report contains a conferral date.
Please ensure that your transcript is both official and Final before sending it to BPMI. Please also note that intern and co-op students are not subject to these requirements.